Top 10 Productos

Divinity II: Ego Draconis – PC

Tienda Precio Actual
$662.78 MXN Comprar

Divinity II: Ego Draconis – PC.
The ability to build your own ultimate fighting creature from body parts collected in battle. This creature’s power is literally the sum of its body parts, and once created it will follow your commands Golem fashion. Sequel to an award-winning Divinity RPG series, that makes use of the same classless system that was incorporated in earlier games, which allows you to choose your own path as you become a Dragon Knight.

For the first time, an RPG unlocks the power of the Dragon. Climb high and vaporize all that stands in your way as you strategically use both your human and dragon forms to defeat Damian and become the ultimate Dragon Knight.

Divinity II provides a wide range of moral choices while questing. When you make these choices, the consequences of your actions appear throughout game play, and keep the action exciting and intertwined.

Use of powerful Battle Towers, vast citadels accessible via the relic known as the Dragon Stone. The Dragon Stone allows you to teleport to the Battle Tower at any moment so that you can utilize the powers within.

Tienda Precio Actual
$662.78 MXN Comprar


Divinity II: Ego Draconis - PC

Tipo: Producto

Nombre: Divinity II: Ego Draconis - PC
Marca: CDV Software Entertainment
Precio: $662.78 MXN

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Reseña Por: Rita Peña
Publicado: 2022-01-12T12:35:13-06:00
Actualizado: 2022-01-12T12:35:13-06:00