Top 10 Productos

Korg Monotron Sintetizador de 16 teclas, sintetizador monotron delay análogo, Negro

Tienda Precio Actual
$1,450.00 $1,094.04 MXN Comprar

Korg Monotron Sintetizador de 16 teclas, sintetizador monotron delay análogo, Negro.
Vco (Sawtooth) with pitch control; VCF with cutoff and peak controls Space delay with time and feedback controls; LFO with Waveshape, rate, and intensity controls Ribbon keyboard with extra-wide four-octave range; keyboard glows under blacklight

Original ms-20 filter with aux input allows the filter and delay to be applied to any source

Built-In speaker, battery power; graphics that glow under black-light

VCO (Sawtooth) with Pitch control; VCF with Cutoff and Peak controls

Space Delay with Time and Feedback controls; LFO with Waveshape, Rate, and Intensity controls

Ribbon Keyboard with extra-wide four-octave range; keyboard glows under blacklight

Original MS-20 Filter with aux input allows the filter & delay to be applied to any source

Built-in speaker, battery power; graphics that glow under black-light

Tienda Precio Actual
$1,450.00 $1,094.04 MXN Comprar


Korg Monotron Sintetizador de 16 teclas, sintetizador monotron delay análogo, Negro

Tipo: Producto

Nombre: Korg Monotron Sintetizador de 16 teclas, sintetizador monotron delay análogo, Negro
Marca: Korg
Precio: $1094.04 MXN

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Reseña Por: Rita Peña
Publicado: 2019-10-07T14:26:34-05:00
Actualizado: 2019-10-07T14:26:34-05:00